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Breath and Voice Games as Means of Self-Cognition, Communication, Vocal and Mental Health

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The impossibility of free breath flow blocks the voice in speaking and singing. Moreover, it imposes limitations on the body movement while playing an instrument and it also blocks the relaxed experience during theatre and motion expressions.

Posture and breath management contributes to the successful control over stage fright and uncertainty during public performance. The workshop is meant to provide teachers with help and it incorporates methodical instructions for the application on work with children.

We will discover the possibilities of our own breath and voice through experience. We shall become aware of the close link between postural habits, breath and voice; and we will also realize their influence on our psyche.

The exercises will combine physiotherapy, vocal and music therapy techniques. This workshop is based on the idea of psychosomatic unity of a person (unity of the body, voice and psyche).

The exercises and motivation will focus on: 1. Posture related to relaxing and to the efficiency of functional muscles, 2.

Removing undesirable mental and muscle blockages which hinder the free, relaxed breath and a resonant voice.