I participeted with two contributions: Visual short presentation (6,4 min) Topics: Contemporary artistic and art educational approaches to diversity and cultural changes Keywords: art, architecture, art-based research The Phenomenon of Architecture and its Pedagogical Implications The Project introduce artist-based research: The Project's main focus is the process of gaining knowledge by means of artmaking, in relation to the phenomenon of architecture and possible uses of the research findings in teaching students of pre-graduate students. Our endeavor is based on the ongoing public discussion about the impact of architecture on the environment.
Concerning the topic, we drew inspiration from our project called "Subjective Urbanism" (www.pavlagajdosikova.com), whose starting points become part of a deeper investigation of how attitudes, values, opinion and their possible changes have been structured in the artist-teacher and student encounters. Both the transcribed interviews and artworks of research participants are subject to a conceptual analysis and interpretation.
The Project leader invited students to take part in the creation process - this all is documented and shall thus become a part of a convolution of reflexive evaluation and variants of artistic solutions. Conclusions in the form of interpretation will be drawn from these primary documents.
In the research we will employ specific forms of qualitative research and research by art. The interpretation of research findings shall lead to an enhanced quality of "architecture mediation" in curricula for art teacher training.
Curated Exhibition: Dark Days, White Nights Every End Is a New Beginning Video, in which Pavla Gajdosikova describes her own relationship to the memory and perceiving of the space, could be understood as a metaphor to the cultural changes which are happening in the Europe. Inhabitants not only from Europe are changing places of theirs homes everyday.
They are moving from place to place using their visual memory to remember perception of the specific places. Memories which could be white or black.
Some places we would like to forget some we want to remember forever. Pavla Gajdoš íková describes her personal relationship to specific places and she uses the sieve of her memory as a tool to reduce unimportant information.
She uses drawing as a medium that records the residual information that turns out to be significant. The author tries to record the reality with precision and she strictly works with her own experience.
If she records the space, i.e. she tries to see from where to where it expands and what are its boarders, she tries to experience it, remember it and then draw it. She uses a method based on a contrast of empty and full areas.
Is seeing something like reading? In what sense can we understand both terms and what are their limits? Pavla works on assumptions concerning visual literacy which she applies on her own perceptions of environment around her - the city and urban cultural landscape.