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Human sacrifice in the function of negative identity definition in the Old Testament narrative

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The human sacrifice is a theme that appears only in a limited number of verses in the Old Testament text. At the same time, we can see that the biblical text is always negative about this practice, and according to the preserved findings we can conclude that the human sacrifice occurred to a minimum extent in Israel's own territory.

My work hypothesis, which I would like to present in this paper, is to place the human sacrifice in Tanach within the context of defining Israel's own identity in a negative way where the parallel "we and they" does not primarily emphasize the benefit of "us". As an example of a story to show the propagation of a new ideology, mention will be made of the (un) sacrifice of Isaac Abraham.

Given the use of human sacrifice in the case of the kings of the northern kingdom, we can also speculate on the ideological definition of the kingdom of Judah.