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MABEL- Multilanguage Assessmet Battery of Early Literacy

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In this symposium, we present MABEL, a web-based tool for research and practice that has been developed to assess children's early literacy and related skills across several European languages. MABEL (Multi-language Assessment Battery of Early Literacy) comprises measures that were developed as part of the ELDEL research programme (a Framework 7, Marie Curie ITN) focusing on cross-linguistic studies of literacy development.

We are developing a web-based platform, where tests assessing the foundational skills of phoneme awareness, letter knowledge, and rapid naming, as well as a variety of reading and spelling measures will be available, with computer-assisted administration, in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Czech, Slovak, and Welsh). During the symposium, we will provide the background to MABEL and an overview of the website platform, as well as detailed descriptions of the measures of foundational skills, and early literacy skills, with an emphasis on the design issues that must be considered for direct cross-linguistic comparisons.

The presentations will cross-reference the publications that highlight the theoretical and empirical validation of the battery. During the Discussion presentation, we will consider issues for the extension of MABEL to other languages, and open the session for questions and comments from the audience.