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Database of digitized map collections of the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


A database of digitized map collections of the Czech Republic is open to all digitized map funds and it is used primarly by their administrators but also by researchers and scientists. It was launched in 2017 as one of the initiatives of an open platform for cartographic documents in the National Committee of UNESCO.

It is oper-ated and managed on the server of the Faculty of Science. It was updated and filled in through questionnaires in 2018 and 2019.

It is continuously updated in the internal interface either directly by the curators of the col-lections or by Eva Novotna from the Map Collection of the Faculty of Science of Charles University. The fields with the information about the collections are filled in detail.

They include physical and web addresses, information about collections, a brief description of physical and digital fund, specification of descriptive metadata and image files, of services and aggregation to higher units. The data update is carried out by author-ized administrators or database administrators.

Currently it contains information about 14 Czech and Moravian digitized map collections. The collection search is also possible on an underlying map.

Available methodolo-gies have been added to process and to make cartographic works available.