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Professional Vision and Reflections of Qualified and Non-qualified Biology Teachers

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This paper shows the differences in the aiming of the professional vision of qualified and non-qualified biology teachers (n = 6). Teachers wrote two reflections; the first was made 24 hours after teaching, the second was made within 14 days with the support of the video.

Both reflections were analysed using the qualitative approach. They were divided into units and were coded according to Sherin and van Es (2009).

Qualified teachers described less, evaluated more, and theorized more when they observed their lessons. They also noticed the specific phenomena more.

For unqualified teachers we cannot see this shift so there is room for mentors. Both groups increased the amount of alterations in post reflections.

Alterations could be divided into four areas; time management, communication of teacher, use of teaching aids, and activation of pupils. Both groups paid less attention to biology and didactics of biology in reflections supported by video.