Abstract: In the paper I focus on the use of a concept of divergent knowledge regimes which was developed by Aasen et.al in the opposition to the concept of hegemonic "New Right" (Apple). This concept of hegemonic convergence of several "right" currents were rejected.
Norway researchers show that it is necessary to understand the educational discourse as a pluralistic field where several divergent "knowledge regimes" are competing. It is useful to employ their theoretical conclusions in the exploration of the Czech educational discourse because they offer a flexible frame which can be filled up with locally characteristic content.
It would not be useful to search a-priori for one hegemonic discourse (neoliberal) and to find it, not surprisingly. Rather the concept of knowledge regimes allows to detect and trace different discursive constellations and tensions, which can lead to contradictions on different levels.
Through a qualitative analysis of textual data from a debate about revision of Czech curriculum reform I will point to tensions between various knowledge regimes, and, especially to problems generated by these tensions: contradiction between particular definition of competent actor and his/her possibility to act (competent teachers as an instrument of change but not as an expert).