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Multiple facial plaque variant of trichoblastoma

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Trichoblastoma is a benign follicular neoplasm composed of basaloid epithelial nests, with prominent follicular germinative cells surrounded by dense fibrocellular stroma, sometimes with pronounced bulbar differentiation emulating the follicular bulb and papilla1. A rare variant of trichoblastoma was described in 1995 under the name "plaque variant trichoblastic fibroma" 2.

This variant is characterized by diffuse infiltration in the lower dermis and subcutis, with poorly defined borders. It has been proposed that this plaque variant of trichoblastoma represents a more aggressive form of the neoplasm, a hypothesis supported by the presence of poorly defined surgical borders and infiltration of striated muscle in these lesions.

We describe four patients with a facial plaque variant of trichoblastomas, all of whom had a multiple variant, and discuss the uncertain biological significance of these neoplasms.