The year 2018 is almost over, and it was filled with the commemoration of various jubilee anniversaries ("Fateful Eights"). If we look around in an academic environment, it has to be said that there were very few factual reflections on these anniversaries.
In particular with regard to older dates, it was more of a mandatory remembrance than a true deep reflection. Here, I am primarily thinking of the anniversary of the beginning and end of the Thirty Years' War, which was a great confessional divide in the history of Europe.
More attention was naturally paid to modern history, but here the balance is also not very satisfactory. As far as church history is concerned, then not at all.
The Czech fateful eights in the history of the Church certainly deserve more attention. In the field of ecumenism, there were many interesting events that turned the attention of the Church's reflection in another direction, which is undoubtedly a pity.