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The Multicultural Milieu of Czech Jewry from 1760 to 1820



The publication focuses on the period of modern history of the Jewish people in the historical territory of the Czech state in European context and the changes that occurred during the so-called Jewish Enlightenment. Haskala is a movement that began in the 70s of the 18th century in relation to the process of European Enlightenment.

The main aim was to open modern European Jewish communities of the world and especially in the field of education; secular education should become equal with religious education (traditional). Haskala also played an important role in the assimilation of members of the Jewish nation and in many ways (language, dress code, and lifestyle).

Period, this publication is focusing on is defined by the years 1760-1820, which were crucial for the position of the Jewish population on our territory and its subsequent integration into secular society. This publication contains a set of textbooks, which provides a comprehensive organization of selection of texts with commentary.