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Evidence-based toxicology: where does it go?

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Evidence-Based Toxicology (EBT) was established in 2005 as a tool for toxicological risk assessment and causal link on the basis of the parallel relationship between the toxicological test method evaluation and the Evidence-Based Diagnostic Testing Assessment (EBM). The introduction of evidence-based principles can provide new tools that are necessary to validate toxicological testing methods.

EBT should contribute to testing strategies to address toxicology problems in the 21st century. Practice has shown that the underlying concepts of EBT, such as the use of systematic reviews to capture and consider all available information, improve the results of toxicological assessment conducted by different groups and organizations.

New challenges are emerging before toxicology, such as safety assessments of new agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and nanomaterials, and EBT can provide important results for their application in practice.