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Adult patient with influenza in primary care

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The influenza ís infectious disease caused by A and B influenza viruses. These viruses belong to ortomyxoviruses Family as a part of influenzaviruscs genus.

Every generál practitioner meets influenza in prímary care mostly from October to Apríl of the next year. In this period we can talk about the influenza season.

Core: Typical signs of influenza include sudden rise of fever with ague, fatigue and weakness. Pacient ís also quite often suffering with headache and also with muscles and joint pairi.

A quick influenza test can be ušed as well as clinical examination and anamnesis in the generál practitioner's surgerv. Oseltamivirus is ušed as a standard influenza treatment and chemoprofylaxis, vvhich is administered in oral tablets.

There can be severe complications of influenza including pneumonia, heart failure, myocarditis, pericarditis, encephalopathv or encephalitis. Vaccination is the most important influenza profylaxis niethod in these days.

Conclusion: Influenza complications can be serious or can cause death in certain group of paitenis. Thaťs why is necessary to think about influenza at every patient with new onset of respirátory signs, especially during the influenza season or during ongoing influenza epidemy