The harm inflammatory response is the integral part of various immunopathological diseases such as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. The inflammation in these diseases comprises, regarding to current knowledge, the abnormal functional polarization of activated T cells ultimating in abnormal activity of both Th1 and Th17 subsets of T cells with the simultaneous loss of homeostatic Treg activity.
This understanding is the base for therapeutical manipulation especially with biological therapy which is targeting both effector and regulatory components of inflammatory response. Biological therapy is irreplaceable associated with the numerous both immediate and long-term side effects.
Currently, it was evidenced that the harm inflammation could be effectively modulated by phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, apremilast. The efficacy of apremilast in the treatment of psoriasis was approved in large clinical trials.
This treatment is very effective with minimum side effects.