The purpose of this document is to provide specificrecommendations on the diagnostic evaluation andmanagement of syncope. The document is divided intofour parts: (1) classification, epidemiology and prog-nosis; (2) diagnosis; (3) treatment; and (4) special issuesin evaluating patients with syncope.
Each part reviewsbackground information and summarizes the relevantliterature. The details of pathophysiology and mech-anisms of various aetiologies were considered to lieoutside the scope of this document.
Although the docu-ment encompasses many of the important aspects ofsyncope, the panel recommendations focused on thefollowing main questions:1. What are the diagnostic criteria for causes ofsyncope?2.
What is the preferred approach to the diag-nostic work-up in various subgroups of patients withsyncope?3. How should patients with syncope be risk stratified? 4.
When should patients with syncope be hospitalized?5. Which treatments are likely to be effective in prevent-ing syncopal recurrences?