Introduction:A large-scale DISCIT project explored active citizenshipfor people with disabilities in nine European countries. The situation ofpeople with disabilities was explored from a number of perspectivesincluding political participation, employment and community living.This paper aims to explore similarities and differences in trajectories andturning points experienced by people with disabilities.Methods:Semi-structured life-course interviews were conductedwith200people with disabilities across4disability cohorts (intellectualdisability, mobility difficulties, visual impairments and psychosocialdisabilities) and three age cohorts (1950s,1970s and1990s).
Interviewreports were analysed using content analysis with particular focus ontrajectories and turning points.Results:In comparison to other disability cohorts, people withintellectual disability were more likely to follow special and segregatedtrajectories, moving from special educational settings through tosheltered employment and often segregated and grouped livingarrangements. Limited options for inclusive trajectories were reported bythe participants.Implications:Even for younger people with IDD, the opportunitiesfor and implementation of community living, active citizenship andinclusive education remain limited.