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Social acceptance of Muslims within the period of migration crises in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Migration Crisis contributed to the worsening of Muslims community perception by the Czech society. This study examines how Muslims reflect their status in the Czech Republic after migration crisis (2015/2016).

Part of the study is to discover how much are Muslims connected (integrated) in the Czech society by organizing them selves or how are the engaged in the civil activities. The research employs qualitative methodology.

In conclusion is possible to say, that one part of Muslims community reflects intensively a change of the Czech public towards Muslims. These Muslims, mostly converts, strongly wish to be a stable component of the Czech Republic.

Another part of Muslims community perceives the Czech Republic as a place for practicing Islam and does not care much about acceptance of Czech citizens. It is significant that these two different attitudes crystallize around dissimilar centers of practicing faith.

It follows that, trajectories of chosen informants are connected to the ways they brought them to the faith and into the Czech Republic.