The upper Palaeozoic sites of Boskovice furrows are known for the rich material of fossil amphibians. Predominant species are Discosauriscus austriacus and Discosauriscus pulcherrimus, but some are also represented.
Especially the older findings are localized very vaguely and inaccurately, so it was necessary to revise these sites and to locate them accurately. This review is a supporting work for the qualitative evaluation of more than 3000 specimens of fossil amphibians from the CHMHZ collections, which come from the prof.
Z. Špinar and his colleagues. Nevertheless, it is necessary to review sites where other researchers worked (Stehlík 1924, Zajíc & Štamberg 2004, Štamberg 2013 or Augusta 1926).
The dominant area is the surroundings of the village of Bačov, but the extension is much larger.