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The Essence of Sport

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |

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The purpose of my paper is to presentthe original objective of sport and entire physical culture to the audience who craves for adventure through sports. Sport in its entirety is one of the highest forms of entertainment which wasdiscovered for humankind'sbodily and spiritual joy.

However, its cultural and moral importance has recently become lost. Therefore, I believe that it is important to ask ourselves the following question: What is the original purpose of sport andwhere does its moral value lie in?Pausanias speaks of Eleusinian Mysteries and Olympic races as of the highest form of the presence of godly care for humankind(Pausanias,1973, p. 380, Czech translation).

In the Ancient Greece, sport served as a means of communication with gods(Pindaros, 2002, Czech translation). Nowadays, this is not the case, but sport remains to be a sacred matter, because it refers to the entirety of being.

This equals a dialogue between a human body and the nature. In such a dialogue, the nature always poses a question (challenge), which is responded to by an athlete and theirbody and will.This is no longer mere entertainment, as it is rather a serious dialogue which opens being.

Through such conversation, corporality is cleansed as part of sport performance on the basis of the possibility of fulfilment by different contents. However, it is equally possible to consider sport as an escape from reality, because it primarily comprises of self-cognizance: Ahuman has to be ableto return to theirown individuality at certain point, which is a departure from emptiness.

An athlete enters a dialogue with the nature including its four elements. The distance on earth is overcome by running, the element of air is overpowered by jumps, throws, and tosses, the water element is bridged by swimming and fire is surmounted by sports passion and by games in themselves.

It should also not be forgotten fire is instigated as part of the excitement of the audience. Additionally, an athlete experiences and endures fire based on theirwill,passion to win, and "animality"(Hogenová, 1998, p. 28).

Such will to win presupposes enthusiasm which overwhelms humans and their entire existences and which causes humans to discover in the depths of their entities that what is best and most human inside themselves. All such overcoming of oneself andofthe nature leads to the cognizance of oneself.

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