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Proposal to Detect Dark Matter using Axionic Topological Antiferromagnets

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Antiferromagnetically doped topological insulators (ATI) are among the candidates to host dynamical axion fields and axion polaritons, weakly interacting quasiparticles that are analogous to the dark axion, a long sought after candidate dark matter particle. Here we demonstrate that using the axion quasiparticle antiferromagnetic resonance in ATIs in conjunction with low-noise methods of detecting THz photons presents a viable route to detect axion dark matter with a mass of 0.7 to 35 meV, a range currently inaccessible to other dark matter detection experiments and proposals.

The benefits of this method at high frequency are the tunability of the resonance with applied magnetic field, and the use of ATI samples with volumes much larger than 1 mm(3).