Does capitalistic system of production essentialy create social relationships fundamentally specified by the necessity of existence of the suicide phenomenon? How does the suicide rate threaten the production? Are nowadays production means' owners becoming the agent of human as social being emancipation just for the need of economic profit? Is a suicide communist's instrument to deconstruct the capitalism? Answering these questions is a goal of this essay dedicated to Marx's philosophical reception of the suicide. To grasp this topic, we will use Marx's early writing "Peuchet on Suicide" as a guidebook.
As we shall see, Marx percieves suicide as a substential manifestation of capitalism, as a patology resulting from the social superstructure spawned by the private ownership based economic foundation. Within this understanding we will take a closer look at phenomenons of alienation and loosing the self-determination that founds the soil for suicide tendencies and other both medically and socially patologic phenomenons.
In the second part we will analyze the negative consequences suicide has for production cycle, that the capitalist percieves as a threat to his business so urgently he can no longer tolerate it. The capitalist takes the stance against these threats while unknowingly wearing the colors of what is traditionally percieved as the socialist doctrine.
The article renders the thesis wheter there is the way to achieve human emancipation through the market behavior of specific level. At the end we will answer the question wheter the suicide of the society is a communist's instrument of destruction of capitalism, and we will achieve that both capitalism and communism have something in common: people alive.