Smoke of anything always contains thousands of substances. And it is mainly the combustion products that shorten the life of at least half of the smokers by an average of 15 years.
Nicotine is the reason for smoking. Although not completely harmless, especially in the context of cardiovascular risk, it is a fraction of the risk compared to smoke inhalation.
Most adult smokers would prefer not to smoke, unfortunately they are usually unable to stop, with at mean dozens of unsuccessful attempts during their life. Total abstinence from both smoking and nicotine use is ideal, but there is a fairly large group of those who do not want or can not stop taking nicotine.
If they could receive it without products of burning, they would certainly reduce their risk substantially. In such case the best choice is pure nicotine - nicotine replacement therapy, but it is not attractive enough for most.
The risk charts would be followed by electronic cigarettes based on pure heated nicotine, another more risky grade then heated tobacco based on specially modified tobacco. We should be able to explain to patients the level of risk of different tobacco products.