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Migration from Bangladesh to the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


My doctoral thesis is concerned with the international migration of Bangladeshis to Central Europe and particularly with the dynamics of the evolution of Bangladeshi diaspora living in the Czech Republic developing from the early '80s. It is noticeable that an increase in the new-comers follows the EU's immigration trend.

Interestingly, if we compare the elder migrants coming as students through the international agreements between former communist countries in Central Europe and the People's Republic of Bangladesh, and the new generation of Bangladeshis arriving in relatively higher numbers approximately from 2014, we can observe the latter represent a different socio-economic group. The latter were male students from affluent Bangladeshi families coming in small numbers from the mid-'80s until the fall of the iron curtain in 1989.

The former are Bangladeshi male workers wishing to fulfill their international careers or an 'international dream' and embodies dynamically arising Bangladeshi new middle-class.