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Merchants of Fear

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Do not panic. The power elite has always been trying to hold the public in submission, struck with fear and tormented with guilt.

Apocalyptic news in the media should therefore be read with caution and a healthy dose of skepticism. The book Merchants of Fear reveals how the apocalyptic bad news is mass-produced using statistical tricks.

It shows why efforts to predict the future with computers keep failing. It describes scandals around UN manipulations of global warming data.

You will see how modern censorship suppresses inconvenient opinions. And why the poorest will pay the most for the financial interests of the climate-industrial complex.

The author does not deny climate change, but explains that climate change has always been real. And capricous weather has forever been a constant in history. "It has always been a problem for mankind to survive the cold spells.

The warm periods were called the climate optimum - for a good reason. To say that we should be afraid of warming is to ignore the entire experience of human history."