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Images of Home in Teolinda Gersão's Novels

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The house in general can also be conceived as a universal archetypal space in 20th century Portuguese novels. Whether in the sense of human habitation, temporary shelter or, on the contrary, a home, the home is an essential space in most literary stories.

The house can, according to its disposition, reflect the character of the character or highlight a significant contradiction between the space and the entity that inhabits it, as if it were the counterpoint of a protagonist, part of its interior or, on the contrary, the target of its forwarding. In the prose of the contemporary Portuguese writer, Teolinda Gersão, especially in Silêncio (1981), in Paisagem com Mulher e Mar ao Fundo (1982) and in Cidade de Ulisses (2011) the home appears as a remarkable spatial topos that is perceived differently by women and men.

Literary analysis focuses on the aspects of femininity in the novels connected with images and home transformations. One part devotes attention to the analysis of individual symbols that are closely related to the individuality of women.