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Lamprospora densireticulata sp. nov., L. dictydiola and L. carbonicola (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales)-three very similar species from very different hosts and habitats

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Lamprospora densireticulata sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on fresh collections from Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Hungary and Spain. Its most important distinguishing characters are subglobose ascospores ornamented with a fine, irregular dense net and the infection on rhizoids of its host moss Aloina ambigua.

Two other similar species differing mainly in their host mosses and ecology are also described in detail: these are L. carbonicola infecting Funaria hygrometrica occuring on soil and L. dictydiola growing on Tortula muralis on walls, stones or rocks. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS and LSU rDNA show that the studied collections of all three species form well-supported monophyletic clades exhibiting only very little polymorphism within the individual species.

Comparative tables listing other morphologically similar species of Lamprospora and Octospora are provided.