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Promoting the Knowledge of Source Syntax in Transformer NMT Is Not Needed

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The utility of linguistic annotation in neural machine translation seemed to had been established in past papers. The experiments were however limited to recurrent sequence-to-sequence architectures and relatively small data settings.

We focus on the state-of-the-art Transformer model and use comparably larger corpora. Specifically, we try to promote the knowledge of source-side syntax using multi-task learning either through simple data manipulation techniques or through a dedicated model component.

In particular, we train one of Transformer attention heads to produce source-side dependency tree. Overall, our results cast some doubt on the utility of multi-task setups with linguistic information.

The data manipulation techniques, recommended in previous works, prove ineffective in large data settings. The treatment of self-attention as dependencies seems much more promising: it helps in translation and reveals that Transformer model can very easily grasp the syntactic structure.

An important but curi