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The wagon and horse's harness in the La Tène Period in Moravia

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The horse has played an important role in the life of prehistoric people. The La Tène Period is a time, when we can see an increase in the sources with the horse topic in contexts that are no longer firmly tied to the higher social layer - it is mainly about occurrence in settlement.

The occurrence of sources with the theme of the horse reflects both the socio-economic settings of the society and the chronological questions can be well studied. The paper presents a material base related to wagons, yokes and horse harnesses in the La Tène Period in Moravia (CZ).

The author has collected 20 sites / contexts totaling nearly with 150 objects, which are depicted on nine plates. Thee result of this paper is a complex typology and chronology of wagons, yokes, horse harnesses and equestrian equipment of the La Tène Period in Moravia.