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Selected Asylum and Refugee Aspects in the Context of Territorial Administration by International Organizations: Kosovo under the UNMIK Administration

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The contribution deals with selected asylum and refugee issues in the context of international administration carried out by international organisations. The topic, which remained unexplored in legal literature, is dealt with against the backdrop of UNMIK as the UN mission tasked with governing Kosovo from 1999 to 2008.

The paper focuses on the position of the UN as a potential agent of protection and analyses the position of UNMIK towards the refugees returning to Kosovo. In addition, it outlines how this issue was dealt with by some of the national courts of the EU member states.

Another group seeking protection, that the article pays attention to, are people coming to Kosovo in search of international protection from 1999 to 2008, i.e. in the time period when Kosovo was still under UN administration. The aim of the article is to bring attention to the changing position of international organisations under international law and implications of such development in the areas of asylum and refugee protection.