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Jaroslav Goll, Josef Pekař and historical reflection of Palacký's jubilee 1898

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This study is composed of the following parts:

1. Introduction.

2. Kalousek's view of Palacký.

3. Goll's view of Palacký I.

4. Goll's view of Palacký II.

5. Pekař's view of Palacký

6. Masaryk's view of Palacký.

7. Conclusion. Palacký's jubilee 1898, i. e. 100 years from his birth, was very important stimulus for the reflections about the goals and methods of contemporary Czech historiography. Goll and his pupil Pekař formulated main principles of the Czech positivistic historical school at this time. This school is also called Goll's historical school.