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The Book of Zohar among Prague Frankists: Eva Frank - the Mother of Her Father

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The goal of this paper is to portray how the Book of Zohar formed the beliefs of Prague Frankists and their perception of sexuality. The paper presents the Book of Zohar as a core of Prague Frankist spiritual world and shows how the antinomianism of Raya Mehemna and Tikkuney Zohar inspired their vision of redemptive sexual revolution.

Subsequently, the paper discuses the paradoxical situation of celibacy in Offenbach and offers a hypothesis of Eva Frank as a prospective mother of her own father whose second messianic coming the community expected. The paper assumes that the members of the Offenbach court considered themselves to be the righteous whose task is to impregnate Eve Frank - an earthly incarnation of sefira Malchut - by the means of their sexual imagination in order to bring back her own father Jacob Frank.

The movement's vision of the final redemption focuses on the destruction of the Other Side, which is described as misogynism, inequality between genders and repression of woman's sexuality. The study assumes that Eve Frank was expected to start the aforementioned redemptive revolution and the equalization of rights by giving a birth to her own father who would then create an androgynous world of physical love.

The author of the paper kindly asks the members of the scientific community if they could consider the hypothesis and express their own position.