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Introducing the Primus Project "Core syntax in bilingual children with varying levels of input"

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


According to the Eurobarometer, the number of citizens in Europe who speak more than one language in their everyday life has now raised to over half of the popula-tion. This number poses new challenges for the educational system of a continent that has been locally monolingual for centuries, and where each country was nor-mally striving for one standardised national language (Hüning et al., 2012).

What type of adjustments should we ask or expect in a school system that needs to pre-pare for a multilingual society? Several factors can influence proficient acquisition of a second language: the age of exposure to the L2, level of immersion, quality and amount of input, socio-economic status, and so on. With this project we concentrate on one of these factors, the amount of input, and we aim at understanding particu-larly the effect that different levels of input can have on the acquisition of core syn-tactic structures.