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Tertiary flora and vegetation of the locality Přívlaky near Žatec (Most Basin)

Publication at Faculty of Education |


A flora is bound to silty claystones to sandy siltstones, which occur in downcuting of the Ohře River. It includes 22 taxa of angiosperms - dicotyles.

Vegetation can be interpreted as a relatively temperate riparian forest with dominance of deciduous elements on humid habitats. The flora of Přívlaky is correlated with the Upper Oligocene floristic assemblage Thierbach (in sense of Mai and Walther 1991) or with floristic assemblage Linz - Krunvíř of the Upper Oligocene - Lowest Miocene (Kvaček and Walther in press) on the basis of occurrences of Fagus saxonica.

Therefore it can be supposed that the deposits from the locality Přívlaky represent isolated remnants of erosion processes, which could be connected to the Tertiary river system or its equivalent delta sediments.