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The effect of poly-ϵ-caprolactone nanofibers with platelets on cell proliferation and viability

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Platelets are effective source of growth factors and other bioactive molecules. They can be combined with an appropriate scaffold where the mechanical properties of the scaffold and bioactive properties of platelets modulate cell behavior in the site of the injury.

In this study, we compared different concentrations of platelets adhered on PCL nanofibers and evaluated their effect on mouse 3T3 fibroblasts. Platelets in maximum concentration significantly stimulated the viability when it is compared with control.

Proliferation of fibroblasts was significantly higher than in the control group cultured on the plain scaffolds. Cells were well- spread on the scaffolds with adhered platelets, whereas on the plain scaffolds, the cells created clusters.

The effect of platelets was dose-dependent. It is obvious, that the combination of bioactive substances and PLC nanofibres significantly stimulates cells growth and metabolic activity of the tested cell type.