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Reconciling Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and Clinical Response in Antimicrobial Treatment of Chronic Cystic Fibrosis Lung Infections

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Median cystic fibrosis (CF) survival has increased dramatically over time due to several factors, including greater availability and use of antimicrobial therapies. During the progression of CF lung disease, however, the emergence of multidrug antimicrobial resistance can limit treatment effectiveness, threatening patient longevity.

Current planktonic-based antimicrobial susceptibility testing lacks the ability to predict clinical response to antimicrobial treatment of chronic CF lung infections. There are numerous reasons for these limitations including bacterial phenotypic and genotypic diversity, polymicrobial interactions, and impaired antibiotic efficacy within the CF lung environment.

The parallels to other chronic diseases such as non-CF bronchiectasis are discussed as well as research priorities for moving forward.