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Absence of flexor digitorum profundus muscle and variation of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle in a little finger: two case reports

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Purpose Knowledge of rare variants of the FDP is of high clinical importance for physicians examining patients for tendon lacerations and especially for hand surgeons operating tendon injuries. Methods During routine dissection at our Department of Anatomy both cases were observed.

Results Variations of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus muscles of the little finger were observed in two cadavers. In both cases, the flexor digitorum profundus muscle for the little finger was absent.

Moreover, in the first case, the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle for the little finger was hypoplastic and in the second case it featured variable insertion. Conclusion There were found only four cases in previous literature describing absent flexor digitorum profundus tendon without any muscle attachment to the base of the distal phalanx.

Furthermore, all previously described cases were observed in living patients. To our best knowledge, a case report in cadaver has yet not been reported and is of high importance for hand surgeons examining the hand for tendon injuries.