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Measles immunity in a Czech tertiary care hospital

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Background: Given the increasing incidence of measles, the aim was to assess the seroprevalence of measles immunity among employees of a Czech tertiary care hospital and to assess their willingness to revaccination. Methods: 3027 hospital employees (2421 females, 606 males) underwent a serological analysis of their measles antibody levels with an option of revaccination in case of an insufficient level.

Results: The median age of participants was 42 years. Seropositivity was noted in 54% of the participants, with the antibody values higher in the oldest study participants and with a decrease around the birth year 1968.

Logistic regression analysis confirmed a significant relationship of seropositivity with age (odds ratio 0.97, p < 0.005). Out of the seronegative, 80.9% individuals got revaccinated.

Conclusions: 46% of the participants did not reach a sufficient antibody level set by the assay's manufacturer. Although the routine vaccination system is well established it may be ineffective.