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The topic "Traces offers numerous variants of solutions, but the student's persistent efforts to grasp them mentally, artistically and pedagogically are shown by her personality profile, the profile of a future teacher to whom we should not hesitate to entrust children to meaningful art and personality education. The first part of the work shows how much artistic material the student discussed and how judiciously she chose from a rich and ideologically multifaceted range of artists of the 20th and 21st centuries.

She has even been able to create a selection that has its own proportionality and substantial representation of artists, in which the emphasis on the present prevails, and a balanced share of paintings, drawings, sculptures and all land-art and other art forms that can be included in the theme. Although the theoretical part of the work is very convincing, the share of the graduate's creative artistic work also deserves great attention.

The graduate has found her own special path, which has contextual ties to the works of older artists, but is reaching new results. The most valuable part is the work of art, documenting human interventions in reality, divided into author's books, consistently connected with the initial of the topic of the diploma thesis S: Stromy Trees), Skály (Rocks), Stěny (Walls), Sprays and Snow.

Thoroughness, both intellectual and manifested in the performance of documentation, was reflected in a well-executed artistic diploma task, in addition to sensitively executed graphically and materially. The author's own interventions in reality, recorded in the book Snow, show how ecologically consistent and purposeful she is in her artistic work.

Similarly, it educates entrusted pupils and students in its didactic inputs and assigned tasks. The graduate's work contains in all parts a certain obscure, but very firmly felt ethos, which also notes the meaning of her apparently very distinct feeling.

Her diploma thesis itself already indicates her preconditions for quality teaching. The graduate gradually, conscientiously, honestly and with great personal modesty, gradually came to a special form of understanding the topic and finally to its original acquisition.

I highly recommend the diploma thesis for defense and I consider it a great contribution to this year's set of diploma theses.