In September 2019, European companies presented new recommendations for dyslipidemia management. In October they were followed by a brief Statement of the Committee of the Czech Society for Atherosclerosis, which adheres to the principles of the new guidelines and brings comments to these.
The recommended procedures summarized the rapidly accumulating knowledge of the importance of dyslipidemia in the field of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVO). It summarized recommendations for the diagnosis of disorders of plasma lipid metabolism.
The stratification of risk categories was added and refined, to which the extreme risk category was added. Newly adjusted (reduced) target values for all risk categories except low risk.
A new recommendation is the reduction of atherogenic lipid concentrations, led by intensive hypolipidemic pharmacotherapy, the review of which provides recommendations. The main requirement for clinical practice will now be the implementation of guidelines into practice.
This objective should also serve this brief commentary on the first observations with the work with new recommendations.