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The extinct genus Chaneya Wang et Manchester in the Tertiary of Europe - a revision of Porana like fruit remains from Öhningen and Bohemia.

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Fossil fruit with persistent corolla, which have been recorded in Europe, particularly from the Öhningen locality (Middle Miocene of Germany), were originally assigned to the genus Porana Burm. (Convolvulaceae) by Heer. The present revision of Heer?s material including the type and illustrated specimens has resulted in a new combination, Chaneya oeningensis (Unger) Teodoridis et Z.

Kvaček comb. nov., based on similarities in morphological traits of the wing-like perianth and reproductive organs with the recently established fossil genus Chaneya Wang et Manchester (C. tenuis (Lesquereux) Wang et Manchester and C. kokangensis (Endo) Wang et Manchester) from the Tertiary of North America and East Asia. While all these remains contain resinous bodies in their tissue, the cuticle structure newly obtained from the European (Öhningen) and China (Yilan) material is totally different from that, which was attributed to the Asian C. kokangensis and employed for systematic considerations.

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