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Didactics aspects of use of modern technology in teacher training

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |

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The article presents the author?s experience with the preparation of a media didactics course, aimed at pedagogy students. The goal of this course is the development of prospective teachers' skills in the use of modern technology at primary and secondary schools, with the emphasis on understanding of the multi-media usage didactics aspects.

The understanding of not only new opportunities, but also limitations and drawbacks of the modern technology introduction in particular subjects is thereby an indiscerptible part of the course. Primarily, the development of knowledge and kompetence to reasonably use TV, computers, internet, interactive board, multi-media interactive textbooks, video and e-learning, is concerned.

The author defines current problems of the ICT introduction in schools nowadays. In the conlcusion, she proposes a set of teachers' ICT-related competences