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Second generation of privileged migrants in Peru

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


In the fieldwork for my dissertation, I deal with privileged migration in the Peruvian capital Lima. The concept of privileged migration can cover other types of migration, such as lifestyle migration, which is motivated primarily by the choice of lifestyle in the destination, and romantic migration, which is primarily motivated by the partnership for which migrants move.

In my research I focus on the nature of privileged migration in Lima through a sample of my group of informants,I focus on the motivations of the decision to migrate and settle, the nature of their daily experiences as foreigners in this environment or in what aspect is their position specific. I do not focus primarily on the issue of second generation, however, some of my informants address the issue of migration with children; they have children born in Peru or in the country of origin, where they moved from Peru after the migration experience.

I will therefore focus in this context on several case studies of my informants who have with children in migration, and I will describe how their children cope with the cultural environment linguistically, in what spirit they are guided and brought up, whether in the case of a mixed marriage the traditions of the country of lifestyle migrants origin are maintained or the family leans more towards Peruvian customs. In short, how migration movement is inscribed in children in the context of migration.