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Upregulation of asparagine synthetase and cell cycle arrest in t(12;21)-positive ALL - Reply

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Another explanation of a contrast of these studies is the difference in reference genes. In their justification of GAPDH use as a reference gene, Stamset neglect that the deletions were reported to include regions centromeric as well as telomeric from the TEL gene.4,5 Even if the coding sequence of the GAPDH gene would be intact, the deletion could affect regulating sequences often localised at a larger distance.

The reported differences of AS are subtle, and normalised expression is sensitive to minorchanges in reference gene expression. Showing the raw AS expression data or any other non-normalised RQ-PCR data might only blur the real picture.

It would help the discussion and justify the use of GAPDH if the expression of various reference genes in aset of samples with t(12;21) are compared. Then, we can proceed to look whether AS has a different prognostic significance indifferent chemotherapeutic protocols.