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The Libraries of Capuchin Convents in the Czech Lands during the The Libraries of Capuchin Convents in the Czech Lands during the Baroque Period

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In the Baroque period, Czech capuchins took great care of their convent libraries, within which they amassed tens of thousands of volumes. This can be documented especially on the basis of a serial publication of normative rules governing their management.

The gist of the book funds at the Capuchin convent libraries was formed by homiletic literature, the result of the order's focus on preacherly activity. The early-modern provenance inscriptions (this particular study focused on the fund of the Capuchin library in Roudnice) occurring in the Capuchin book funds indicate that the Capuchins managed to obtain such vast amounts of books especially through donations from diocesan clergymen.

It follows that these clergymen did not perceive the order only as competition draining them of their believers, their book donations surely an expression of their gratitude to the order for their practical help in pastoral administration.