Pain feeling, arising without neural transmission of nociceptive impulses, is a false information about tissue damage. If this feeling results from psychological mechanism, without neuropathic impulses, is named a "psychogenic pain" (PP).
PP is mostly attributed to any pathological process, both real or unreal. PP involves a) pain developed from symptomatic nociceptive pain and lasting after recovery, b) pain created by psychological mechanism only.
Figure I shoves the Flow chart of PP, which represents a subversion of the psychological model of chronic pain (Knotek, Knotkova 1998 a). The model of PP involves 6 active subsystems, [1] Perceptual field, [3] Pain feeling, [4] Cognitive processing, [5] Affective-motivation processes, [6] Responses and behavior, [7] Responses and behavior of others, connected by feedforwards, and 7 others non-successive couplings. (Subsystem [2] Nociceptive processes is not in PP active).
Coupling Non-noxious inputs represents non-nociceptive somatosensory and other sensory inputs (1->4), and coupling Affective modulation of cognitive processing (5 -> 4) realize conversion processes and other influences of affects on transformation of cognitive processes. The Cognitive coupling of pain (4 -> 3) represents final transformation of non-nociceptive sensory information las small pressure), affects (anxiety) and cognitive-affective complexes (suffering from existential problems) on pain feeling.
Process of learning and stabilizing of CP represents couplings Learning of pain and pain behavior and Social learning of pain behavior.