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From understanding the text to the solution of a mathematical word problem

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The aim of this article is to use the original Czech data obtained in the solution of the Word Problems project as a key to the application and understanding of mathematical concepts to explore the selected group of students the links between partial language and reading knowledge and skills on the one hand and partial mathematical knowledge and skills on the other side. The authors of the article researched and compared the relationships between four areas: verbal mathematical problems, non-verbal mathematical problems, reading comprehension and language skills.

The results showed that the strongest correlation exists between the ability to solve word problems and the ability to read the text with comprehension. The connection between solving word problems and mastering language phenomena is also significantly high.

Reading comprehension and control of linguistic phenomena are generally related to a comparable extent, if not less than the skills mentioned above. This leads to a didactic recommendation that teachers of mathematics and the Czech language should cooperate more closely and mathematical word problems should become material for linguistic and reader analysis.

This would deepen the student's skills of working with text aimed at the correct understanding of the word task.