The contribution deals with the legal regulation of a management of alien animal species. The main problem with the alien species is their invasive behaviour, so pat of the contribution alo loks into the regulation of invasive alien species.
At the beginning, it provides the introduction to the issue and explains basic terms, i. e. alien species and invasive alien species and the difference between these two. Then it looks into the description of some relevant international, European Union and Czech legal regulation, where important international conventions, regulations and directives of the European Union and national legal regulations dealing with the issue are analysed.
The basis of the Czech legal regulation is Act No. 114/1992 Coll, on Nature and Landscae Protection, which will be amended in the near future to adapt the European regulations, so part of the contribution also deals with this amendment. The main hypotheses are that the legal regulation of alien animal species is fragmented, legal terminology of this area of regulation is not unified and legal regulation does not meet the needs of parctice.
The goal of the contribution is to describe, analyse and compare the main legal sources concerning alien animal species at the international, the European Union and the Czech level. The result of this contribution is the evaluation of effective legal regulation and improvement proposals how the legal regulation could be amended.