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Why do people go to nature? Assessment and mapping of non-material values of nature and landscape in three case studies in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


There is an increasing demand to identify and integrate a full range of values which underpin the relationships between people and nature. This research aims to analyse people's relationships towards various landscapes (carst area, lowlands with wetlands and highlands) in order to describe multiple values of nature, using the framework of cultural ecosystem services (nature's contributions to people).

Several different methods will be used to foster interdisciplinary research and transdisciplinary collaboration, including focus group discussions, expert based landscape assessments, in situ questionnaires or participatory mapping and workshops. Reflecting the early stage of the project, preliminary results of the cultural ecosystem services identification based on focus groups will be presented together with upcoming project activities.

We suggest that a comprehensive understanding of non-material benefits provided by nature to people can bring more (individual or shared) arguments for nature and landscape protection besides the traditional engine of nature conservation - intrinsic value.