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What the aesthetic sensibility teaches us and do we have to learn it?

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


My contribution considers the question of the reasons of aesthetic impact on the base of Emmanuel Lévinas's'texts. If Lévinas claims in his philosophy that only the Other is able to really teach us anything - because he or she is the source of every alterity and that he or she can teach us the goodness and responsibility - than he also thought that precisely the beauty should lead us to the sense of good.

First, we respond the question how should be something like that even possible in aesthetic experience (and why it should bet his case at all). What has the beauty in common with ethical situations is the primordial sensibility to the otherness.

Beauty has to hurt us through incomprehensible to teach us the respect to this otherness which always lays beyond the borders of our common attitude to the world, beyond our understanding, our control and manipulating the things or other people. Our second question is if we should thanks to Levinas's writings presuppose that every man is always endowed with such sensibility - and if aesthetic education doesn't loose any sense.

In the end we will show that Lévinas (proceeding from the tradition of jewish thinkers) considers exactly the study as the necessary component of our way to the goodness - and we will show that this concepiton should be applicable to our question of the necessity to cultivate ou aesthetic sensibility too.