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ICT Supported Time Management as Important Competence for Learning and Life

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Today, there is often talk of "digital natives" and "digital immigrants". In this way, ICT competences are differentiated between people of different ages.

Depending on the date of birth, generation X (in Poland born between 1960 and 1985), Y (born between 1985 and 2000) and generation Z (born after 2000) are distinguished.Competences regarding the use of ICT are thought to increase from generation X throughgeneration Y to generation Z.Therefore, it was decided to examine whether there is a correlation between belonging to a given generation (X, Y, Z) and the ability to use ICT. The described research is a fragment of a larger part and relates to the ability to use ICT in time planning.Research conducted from April 30, 2017, to February 8, 2020.

In summary 833 people took part in them.The research was based on the SAMR model for Technology. Statistical analysis of the results obtained did not confirm the correlation between belonging to the X, Y Z generation and the "depth" of using ICT in time management.