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Couples in a time of pandemic: identification of factors forming the risk of conflict

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictive measures represent a very complex set of stressors (eg. fear of infection, fear of the future, social isolation) that has profoundly affected many aspects of our lives, including intimacy and relationships, and thus affected sexual and reproductive health. The presented research focused on the identification of factors that may increase / decrease the risk of partner conflict in emergency situations such as the covid-19 pandemic.

The specific goal of the study is to explore the effect of changes in partner sexual desire and behavior on disturbances in partner dynamics and functioning during a pandemic. The study was conducted in 8 European countries (France, Germany, Croatia, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Sweden and Turkey).

The online questionnaire was distributed in all countries through the official media and focused only on people living in partnership. The questionnaire contained standardized measurements of the following areas before and during the pandemic: (1) structural factors (socioeconomic situation, children), (2) personality factors (interpersonal motivation for sex) and 3) partner factors (emotional closeness of partners, partner satisfaction and length of partnership ).